Friday, August 20, 2010

LOST... The Retro Baseball Card Set + Weezer Update

For those of you that are "in the know" (read: cool), you know that the new Weezer album, due out Sept. 14th, will be called "Hurley".

Yes. That is the cover. No text, nothing but Jorge Garcia's smiling face. I love Weezer. I love LOST. I love this cover!

Now for the REAL Weezer update: I am going to see Weezer tomorrow! For free! (with paid admission to the Del Mar Racetrack) I have only seen them live twice (Once in Seattle about 16 years or so ago, and more recently at Coachella a few years back.) Both times they were absolutely incredible, so I am really looking forward to tomorrow.

This wouldn't be a LOST... The Retro Baseball Card Set post if I didn't make a card, so here you go:

PRP LOST - #61 Hurley

Design based on: 1992 Mr. Turkey Superstars #3 - Sandy Alomar Jr.

Wow! I had never even heard of Mr. Turkey cards before today! Thanks Check Out My Cards! I think this one worked pretty well with the Mr. Cluck's concept.


  1. I am so jealous. I love Weezer and can't wait for Hurley to come out. I was thinking about making the trip down to Del Mar from LA, but I'm too damn tired and I think it's gonna be a madhouse for a free Weezer show. It should be fun anyways. Enjoy Weezer.

  2. I've seen Weezer 2x, once in Phoenix at a dive bar, and the other time was in NYC. Both shows were incredible.
