Monday, September 5, 2011

Star Wars: The Retro Baseball Card Gallery...

Happy Labor Day! The original Star Wars trilogy is on Spike today, so I was able to refresh my card making batteries. This one took much longer than it looks like it should have. I guess I was watching Star Wars while working on it. I started when Luke and Obi-Wan go to Mos Eisley in Episode IV, and I'm typing this as Luke begins his Jedi training on Dagobah in The Empire Strikes Back. (I type so slowly that he may already be hangin' out with the ewoks when I finish.)

PRP Star Wars - #32 Mos Eisley


  1. Greatness! That's a mini set I'd chase down.

  2. As always, awesome! How's about a Brian Wilson in Carbonite relic?

  3. Anakin & Greedo's. LOL!

  4. I guess I was watching Star Wars while working on it. swtor credits swtor credits
