Monday, November 24, 2008

4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42...

I am thankful to be with my family this Thanksgiving. Spending a week away from the office is a blessing as well. I am usually grateful for mass quantities of food. Unfortunately, I started a diet a couple weeks ago. Turkey day will be a test of my will power.

My strategy for cutting back on Thanksgiving is to adopt the losing game plan of many teams. I will look past this week's opponent. Not unlike what the Chargers have done for the first 13 weeks, I will simply look beyond my adversary. It won't be that hard. Thanksgiving is nothing compared to the biggest danger to my belly...

No, not christmas cookies... Not boozin' it up on New Year's Eve... I need to be very careful of the enemy that arrives in 57 days...

LOST is coming back in 57 days! I just wanna be like Hurley! I may have misled you when I said that my two passions were baseball cards and music. Those two should only be classified as hobbies. LOST is my passion. If it seems strange to you that someone might be passionate about a TV show... you have never seen this show.

December 9th through December 11th there will be no posts due to a pending illness.


  1. I think you're type-casting Hurley. Make him a shortstop or something.

    There's a guy at work that treats the premiere of Lost as the biggest holiday of the year. I guess you fall into that category, too, huh?

  2. I take off the night of each episode and the following morning. This allows my wife and I to pause it every 3 minutes in a WTF mode.

    It also allows me to watch it 4, 5, 17 times if needed without fear of having to work the following morning.

    I agree, if it's not that important to've never "watched" the show...

    I can't friggin' wait!

    In other news...

    Jeez!! I've just been given the most difficult "captcha" ever! (On the bottom of this comment.) Try this one on for size...



  3. We just saw a Lost promo tonight. I thought finally, Lost is coming back. Then it said January 23rd. Yikes.
