Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My first Christmas away from my family...

I will be visiting my girlfriend's family in Rhode Island from December 25th - 31st. This will be my first Christmas without my parents. They are digging themselves out of the snow in Seattle. Hopefully they can make it to my sister and brother-in-law's house for Christmas goose. (I believe they are planning on having duck or roast pork... I was always fond of the pizza we had each year on Christmas eve, but duck or pork sure beats the bag of peanuts I'll be eatin' on the plane.)

Here's to starting new traditions, but not forgetting the old ones.

Yes, my dad's dog licks his bald head (while my nephew looks on in amazement.) Little Hansen has taken to waggling his finger and saying, "Bad Dog" whenever Scout is around... and he's almost always right.

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