Monday, December 8, 2008

This Date in History...

December 8th is yet another sad date in history. John Lennon was shot and killed in the entrance hallway of the Dakota in 1980.

The 73-track, four disc Lennon box set were the first CDs I owned. I bought the set exactly ten years after his death. It is had to believe that it has been 18 years since I bought them. Actuallly, seeing the boxes upon boxes of compact discs that are still packed from my most recent move, I am not surprised that I have nearly 20 years worth of music on, yet another, dying format.

The move from vinyl and cassettes seemed daunting. I had built a substantial collection of records and tapes. To this day, I refuse to store music on my computer. I do not own an iPod. I think it is the collector in me that needs the "permanence" of a hard copy.

Oddly enough, I have hundreds of baseball cards that I have "created" stored on my computer. I suppose that if necessary I could recreate them. Here's hoping I never have to do -----------



  1. Hearing about Lennon's death was for me one of those moments you sometimes get when you'll always remember where you were when you got the news. I was preparing for work the next morning and, as usual, had the radio tuned to the local rock station. They were playing one Beatles and John Lennon song after another. How odd I thought. Then the news...

  2. I "heard" about Lennon's death when I got up at 5:30 in the morning to begin delivering papers. There was the news staring me in the face as I sorted the papers.

    Also, I still listen to cassette tapes in my car, even though it has a CD player and even though I've got an mp3 player. Just habit I guess.
