Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Burns so good...

This new blog should be fun!

Of course, you may end up seeing this every time you close your eyes for a few weeks...

PunkRockPaint, inc. will not be held accountable for any permanent retinal damage, temporary blindness, vertigo, or disorienting flashbacks to the early '90s that may be caused by visiting the 1992 Upper Deck Explained Blog. Please visit at your own risk (and the risk of future generations that will be born without retinal cones as a genetic adaptation to the 1992 Upper Deck Explained Blog.)


  1. That is one freaky lookin duo, there... Tribe or no tribe!

  2. Hook a solar panel up to your computer and every time you visit that blog, you will cut two tons of carbon emissions with the electricity generated.

  3. Morlocks! Run or they will eat you!

    (if you don't know what I mean, watch the 1960 film "The Time Machine" based on the novel by HG wells of the same name)
