Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the ballpark...

Instead of coming here, we at PunkRockPaint, Inc. recommend you go to more reputable source for your sneak peeks...

I really can't believe they didn't run with my ideas... Maybe I will boycott A&G this year... or not.

(I was pretty close on the frame design... I like the addition of the Allen & Ginter info in the lower corner on the real one.)


  1. I think they should insert autographs of Mario and other infulential bloggers in the product.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (deleted and re-edited due to two ridonkulous typos that slipped past the spell checker)

    I like all of your inserts a hell of a lot more than the Bernie Madoff card in the actual set. That bonsai card is fantastic. Is that bottom one supposed to be an actual roman coin inside the frame? If so, hells yes.

  4. I love the bonsai. Thanks. With your permission I'd like to feature it on my blog, with proper attribution, of course.

  5. sweet canadian content!
    George Stroumboulopoulos at

    would love that card. He has the greatest respect for the man's legacy and was responsible for presenting why Tommy Douglas should be considered the greatest Canadian on national television up here.

  6. Capewood and ernest,

    Please feel free to use our illustrations in any context you see fit. Email requests for larger formats may be sent to
