Thursday, March 5, 2009

In Lieu of pictures...

I am sorry that I was forced to remove the Allen & Ginter preview. My source said it would acceptable if I shared some of the pending checklist:

Cabinet Cut Autographs - Great Canadians Subset
GCAGB- Alexander Graham Bell
GCAM- Anne Murray
GCBA- Bryan Adams
GCBO- Bobby Orr
GCBH- Bret "The Hitman" Hart
GCCB- Dr. Charles Best
GCDC- Don Cherry
GCFB- Frederick Banting
GCGL- Gordon Lightfoot
GCJIC- Jim Carrey
GCJOC- John Candy
GCJMI- Joni Mitchell
GCJM- John Molson
GCJN- James Naismith
GCLS- Lord Stanley of Preston
GCMJF- Michael J. Fox
GCMM- Mike Meyers
GCNY- Neil Young
GCST- Shania Twain
GCTD- Tommy Douglas
GCTH- Tim Horton
GCWG- Wayne Gretzky
GCWS- William Shatner


GCDSB- Dual Cut- Rick Moranis & Dave Thomas


  1. certainly not the checklist I would've put together.... but a few nice ones none the less...

  2. So, is there jelly doughnut on the Bob and Doug card?? :-)

  3. no alan thicke! that's good.

  4. What is up with all the Canadian love? Will that be the entire theme of '09?
