Sunday, April 5, 2009

Code Breaker Exclusives...

In the last couple of days, I have had the pleasure of email-versating with Jason Wong. For those of you that don't know Jason, I am sure you will soon enough. He will be card #338 in the 2009 Allen & Ginter set. Jason is the guy that cracked the Allen & Ginter code.

I remembered reading a "how I broke the code" post he wrote before I even pulled my first code card. I love puzzles, word games, and codes, so it was totally fascinating to me. Way beyond my skills, but fascinating.

I recently read a cool post by Jay Bee Anama on his always great bdj10's Topps Card Blog. He had a good experience dealing with "the codebreaker." I decided to drop the guy an email, congratulating him on his upcoming card. I let him know I could have saved him a lot of time and effort. If he wanted a card THAT bad, I would have made him one.

Turns out he's a pretty nice guy. He likes the punkrockification process that we apply to cards here at PunkRockPaint. We decided to work out a little trade. He's gonna send me an autographed code ad. I sent him the un-pixelated versions of the cards below:

1977 Topps - Jason Wong #661

1977 Topps - Jason Wong Code Breaker #662

We decided to save visage of the mystery man until the release of Topps' Allen & Ginter 2009.

1 comment:

  1. I remember reading his post on a card forum about how he broke the code.
    When he explained it, it seemed so simple...
