Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Uni Watch (Waxaholic edition)...

Did you think I had forgotten this week's victim, errrr... opponent in The Card Blog League? Looked past, sure. Forgotten, no. Waxaholic lead by the fearless Captain Canuck battles the mighty Pintadores de Punkrock this week.

The delay in getting this week's unis out was caused by the Royal Canadian Postal Service. Concept designs were repeatedly delayed between the league office and the league's northernmost affiliate. Unfortunately, Waxaholic was forced to play naked the first two games of the series, directly effecting their "o-ffense" (sic). Hopefully, with the new uniforms, Waxaholic will play up to the Triple-"eh" level of baseball that we expect from the Great White North.


  1. very nice... for some reason, I was expecting old Expos colours... (that's coloUrs, with a U)
    but these are very nice. There's no stopping us now...

  2. Jumpin' John Candy! That is uni is sweeter than Tim Bits.
