Sunday, May 31, 2009

2008 Allen & Ginter. Mini Set

First off, I L-O-V-E Allen & Ginter. The 2008 set was the first set I made an attempt to complete. With the help of one hobby box, dozens of blasters, and some helpful friends from the blogging community, I was able to finish the set. It looks great in my custom-made binder.

If I do say so myself...

Purchasing so many packs of cards, I have a ton of doubles, triples, etc. I also have a huge stack of the mini cards. They look really cool in the 15 card sleeves I recently bought.

Unfortunately, I don't have as nearly a complete set at I would have hoped...

With the upcoming release of the 2009 Allen & Ginter set, I have made an important decision... I am not going to buy any new cards until I complete the mini set (#1-350). This is where you come in...