Friday, May 1, 2009

LOST... The Retro Baseball Card Set

Since my last effort received no comments, I can only assume that the majority of my readership (a number greater than 3) is not interested in these LOST cards...

If you don't like 'em, I won't make 'em.


  1. I appreciate your artistic efforts, and they do look quite nice. Personally, I am just not a fan of Lost, or network television tripe in general.

    Keep up the good work sir!

  2. I am a fan of LOST, network tripe and these cards. Keep it up.

  3. I am like the first guy, I am not a fan of Lost but your cards for the series look great! I like just coming to your blog and checking out what you got new. Keep your great working coming!

  4. I love 'em.

    I just have this pesky job that gets in the way of stuff like this....
