Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Great Moments in Video Games...

Sorry I have been away for so long. Work has been super busy, and I spent some time visiting family out of town. Not to make excuses, but I am working on a top secret design project that has taken up a big chunk of time as well.

I have managed to find a little time to help out my friends over at EA Sports. They were getting early reports on the Tiger Woods 10 game that certain holes were too easy. I managed to program some "Tiger Proofing" into a couple of courses. I have included a screenshot of one of my more creative fixes:


  1. I guess Mrs. Woods bum-rushing him during his backswing, with a golf club, would have been to much...

  2. If I hear one more thing about Tiger I'm going to do a crying Britneyesque YouTube video defending the man.


  3. Top secret design project?

    Are you the one responsible for the new "rookie card" logo?

    For shame.

    Word Verification = MENSA. This is an easy one for me to spell. All I have to do is pull out my membership card, and copy the letters.

  4. I love this game it is really very nice things for us I am very excited about this one.Thank you for this post it has very useful information.This article contain some meaningful information.
