Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One More Reason to Look Forward...

Every year before the XXXXXXXXX (name of big football contest removed), I start getting antsy for spring training. Full disclosure: I start getting antsy right after the World Series ends. This spring could be one of the best yet!

For years, my dad and I would make the eight hour drive out to Peoria, AZ to see the Padres train. We would sometimes take their motorhome (and my mom) and make it a family vacation. (Stopping in Yuma to pay homage to the former Padres spring training site and for Mexican food at El Charro or Chretin's should be required by law.)  Unfortunately, my parents moved to Seattle a couple years back, and I haven't convinced my girlfriend that she should continue the tradition.

I doubt that we will go this year. But there is a silver lining! I will be able to park myself on the couch and read Josh Wilker's new book! Voice of the Collector got an advanced copy. Rob is holding off on his review until a little closer to the release date, but the cover alone has me salivating.

For those of you familiar with Josh's work, the anticipation is likely killing you. For those of you who aren't... Check out some of his writing on his blog. After that, you will know why I am so excited!

It is a little known fact that I did the cover art for one of Mr. Wilker's lesser known books. The concept came from one of my favorite blog posts. If you haven't already, please read the story of Joe Strain and Giant Prospects.

(Okay, this book never existed, but Cardboard Gods is for real. Get your pre-order now!)


  1. I, too, get excited about Spring Training the day after the World Series. Heck, the day OF the World Series if the Yanks aren't in it. I've gone to AZ two straight years and have always had a blast, but may be taking 2010 off because our son will only be a couple months old... too young to drag him around in the desert heat!

    Not much of a Padres fan so can't get overly excited about the drivel we'll have to endure on 4SD, but I'm looking forward to watching Kyle Blanks mash all year.

  2. Aw man! come on out to Arizona! First round is on me!

  3. Getting the spring training stirrings here too. And in a related development, there was early school dismissal today due to snow.

    Thanks for pointing out the Cardboard Gods book, I look forward to reading it.
