Friday, February 5, 2010

Fantasy Baseball Season 2...

The Card Blog League will be starting season number two soon. This season is for keeps! (I didn't win last year. Hence the THIS season.) Those of you that played last year will have first shot at a team. With the likelyhood of owners from last year dropping out, there may be a couple of spots open for new owners.

Pending a league vote, the rules and format will remain the same. Head to head seemed to bring out some tremendous rivalries. (I hear that Dave from Tribecards has a dart board with a photo of Matt from Heartbreaking Cards on it. Word around the campfire: Dayf from Cardboard Junkie refuses to read PunkRockPaint, and only looks at the pictures.)

Please post your intentions in the comments if you plan on renewing your league membership. Hopeful newcomers are welcome to plead their cases as well.

Thank you,

The Commish

No pictures in this post, so somebody let Dayf know.


  1. Man oh man oh man...I would love to be in this league. I'm pretty decent too (won the league I was in last year, and the one the year before that). So if anyone drops out, consider me?

  2. The O-Pee-Cheeters want in should the league decide to expand. Consider the case pleaded. We are a team of few words. We believe in action, a little luck and the Easter Bunny.

  3. the hell with dayf, someone remind me if I was in this league last year?
    I think I was.... so we'll go with "I'm in again this year"

    of course I could end up like Willy Mays Hayes at the beginning of Major League and find myself out in the parking lot....

  4. In baby. My new fighting technique is unstoppable.

  5. I'm thinking I'd go with the name "The Rusty Kuntz Fun Bunch." But it's up for debate.

  6. AAAAAH!!!

    What's happening?!?

    Have I gone Blind???????????

    Oh wait, there's the title image.


    The title image is telling me to waste my life playing fantasy baseball.

    So be it.

    It's also telling me to shoot Queen Elizabeth.


  7. Okay, better name: Wonderful Terrific Kuntz.

  8. I'm in again.

    I'm going to comish a league myself also and I have a few spots left so anyone that doesn't get in on this one can get in on mine.

  9. I will gladly rejoin the madness. Plus, with my poor showing, I must redeem myself in the eyes of people I have never met!

  10. The Roadrunners will be ready on opening day.

  11. I'll gladly join the fracas as long as everyone promises not to whine when I dominate.
