Thursday, March 18, 2010

Million Card Trade...

A couple of weeks back, I entered a code and revealed a 1977 Mets team card. That damn card is popular. I have received numerous trade requests for it. Not to beat a dead horse, but I am not a big fan of the trade interface on the Million Card Giveaway site. It would be great to be able to make trade counter offers, and see other peoples' collections. Of course, I can understand the issues that might be encountered: contest collusion, saving on shipping, etc.

I had received a few good offers. Sean (slangon) from Condition: Poor was one of the best. The card he offered sucked, but I am a big fan of his work. It was great to know the email address of a possible trade partner. I agreed that if I didn't receive a decent offer, I would have the card shipped, and send it to him as a gift. (I think I may have promised it to someone else too... Oops.)

Not wanting to disappoint both people I had promised the card to; I decided to disappoint both of them. It was for a good reason, though. I received a mildly intriguing offer for the Mets card this morning. Two cards, both awesomely goofy were offered as trade bait. I would have declined the trade and honored my promise(s), but for one thing...

This guy used his email address as his screen name! Awesome! I sent him an quick message, thanking him for his inspiration (possible mistake?)

How great would it be to be able to work out trades (even after shipping) with fellow Million Card junkies!!! Well I think it would be cool. Anyway, here are the two cards I got for my '77 Mets card.

I would have accepted this trade based on the awesomely horrible, cartoon hat on Kessingers dome. In combination with the look on Sammy Stewart's face, I couldn't resist!

Someone with more blog exposure should start accepting screen name = email address combinations, and create an area on their blog where they can be referenced.

I'll be the first to volunteer (Go SDSU Aztecs!)... punkrockpaint =


I just recieved the following in an email from my trade partner:

"I put my email as my user name so people could negotiate. i try to offer fair trades but sometimes they need tweeked and you hate loosing a good trade just for not knowing what someone wants."

Good to know that there are thinkin'-type people out there. Thanks, Jess!

UPDATE #2!!!

I have received 3 offers for the Kessinger card in the last 2 hours! (and apparently Sammy Stewart is a felon - Thanks, Capn')

In October 2006, Stewart began serving an eight-year sentence in a North Carolina prison on a felony drug charge, having been convicted as an "habitual felon". He has been charged 46 times with more than 60 offenses since 1988, and has spent 25 months in prison over six separate stints.
From Wikipedia


  1. interesting choice... Stewart is a convicted felon and is still in jail.

  2. I would've done that trade, too.

    The email as giveaway name is a good idea -- it would have avoided the times when people offered me hated Giants for my cards.

  3. Travis: Sammy Stewart is a truly sad story. If you search the archives, both Cardboard Gods and myself have blogged about his troubles. Someone close to Sammy actually commented on my post and insisted that he's turned a corner. I hope for his sake that she's right.

  4. I'm still waiting for a 1984 offer for my 1985 John Franco. Any 1984 card will do.
