Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Million Card Question...

Does anyone out there have this card? Would you be willing to trade it to me?

The reason I ask: I was offered this card plus 5 other cards for my 1968 Jim Bouton on Topps' Million Card Giveaway site. If you've read any of my previous posts, you may know I have been on a bit of a Fritz frenzy lately. I had never seen this card before. It is absolutely bizarre! It looks like a combination of the Lee Harvey Oswald "staged" militant photo and a bad junior high collage. The shadows seem wrong, the back lighting is weird, the grass looks like i did it myself in MS Paint... I lied about the last part. If I did the grass in paint, you would never know, 'cause it would be awesome. But I digress.

This card is freaking me out. Can I have one, please? I know there is an Indians fan out there that might have a double... I could buy it for a quarter on, but I want it NOW!!!
I am not saying that this collage is bad, nor Jr. High-ish in any way. It was all I could find on short notice...


  1. Yeah, I've got one I could send you.

  2. I also have one for you. It's all yours.

  3. I would require a Mike Kekich card in return.

  4. I'm sure I had an extra at one point... before I gave away all my non-collection cards. LOL!
