Thursday, June 10, 2010

Word Verifications...

For the last year or so (for no apparent reason) I have been saving Word Verifications. Screen capture, crop, save as a jpeg, file away. I finally got one worthy of a post. It is baseball related. Not too terribly obscure. I present to you...


Now I feel like it wasn't a total waste of time.

What are some of your favorite WV's?


  1. I'm continuously hitting the link to leave a comment to get different WVs... current WV for this comment is "sconings". Break a law in France and you'll be subjected to a public sconing.

  2. Moomas... heh. Made me chuckle. So that's 15 mintues of my life I'll never get back.

  3. "succing" just now.

    ... hey, that's mean.

  4. I just had "worse" over at White Sox Cards post about his near death experience. I thought wow that's strange and then I found this post about WV's and now I'm just spooked.

  5. I've had several and I usually incorporate those into my comments if they stand out. Two recent ones:

    holipal - People you only talk to when sending holiday-related greeting cards.

    The other was a two-word deal:
    "poky there" - now THAT one, I took a picture of and will post it on my blog. It's just too good to pass up.

    BTW, mine for this post: tabla, not to be confused with Tabler (as in Pat)
