Monday, April 11, 2011

Star Wars... The Retro Baseball Card Set

It seems like everyone is asking when I am going to make the pricess Leia gold bikini card. I hate to pander to the masses, but...

PRP Star Wars - #5 Pricess Leia

Design based on: 1993 Denny's Holograms #16 - Cal Ripken

Okay, maybe no one was asking for it "out loud", but you know you were thinking about it.


  1. No, I'm thinking with your photo shop skills her gold bikini could...

  2. Great card... I was in love with Princess Leia when I was younger... actually loved the "buns strapped to the head" look.

    Can't wait for the Princess Amidala card... please, please, please, have her pictured in the tight white jumpsuit she wore on Geonosis.
