Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Favorite Movies...

Sorry it has been so long between posts. I have been busy in the real world. To get myself back on track, I have decided to start a new series of posts. As you may have guessed, I am going to make a series of baseball cards based on my favorite movies. In order to keep myself (and hopefully you) interested I will use a set contemporary to the release of the film. Example: Hitchcock's Rear Window came out in 1954. Therefore...

PRP Favorite Movies - #1

Not only do I love the movie, I really needed a Grace Kelly baseball card in my collection.

I have never made a list of my favorite movies. I suppose I should probably get on that if I am going to post again soon.


  1. Yes!

    I just watched "Disturbia" for the first time a couple weeks ago. Poor substitute for the original idea.

    Great stuff, as always!

  2. Thanks! There will be more.

    I just noticed that Lisa's signed middle name looks like the word "card"...

    Am I that clever, or do I need to work on my cursive?

  3. Brilliant. Can't wait to see what you come up with for "Twilight."

  4. Love the Hitchcock. Glad he made a cameo here.
