Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Rock and Roll Lifestyle...

I made a fun poster for an upcoming show at Lestat's featuring The Real Nasty and Rob Deez. The Real Nasty (sfw - NOT porn) are a band outta Northern California making their first visit to my lil' puebla by the sea. I have had a chance to listen to their "countrified rock" on the interwebs quite a bit lately. It is definitely worth checking out. Also playing that night is San Diego's own Rob Deez. I've espoused the virtues of Deez many times before on this blog, so all I will say about him is... Awesomeness X 2 + 3-1/2!

My favorite thing is that I made this before ever hearing this song:


  1. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle?

  2. My liver pays dearly now for youthful magic moments.

    But don't worry...

    I'll rock on completely with some brand new components.

    Thanks to the motorcade of generosity of others, I will survive.
