Saturday, April 14, 2012

Side Project...

I apologize to my faithful readers (both of you) for neglecting my blogging duties for so long. I have been focusing on my new job more than I ever thought I would. Despite the new career path, I have had a little free time to devote to a new project. I have been making some new, vintage business cards. I have shown my own here on the blog a couple of months back. After creating these new ones, I really need to make some new ones for myself. I think a few of you baseball card fans may recognize a few of the designs.

Here are some examples:

Thanks for checking back in... I'll try to post more often. Hit me up if you want some business cards. They are pretty cheap.

Oh... Did I mention they come in cool boxes too!


  1. The designs on the back are really nice as well as the fronts. But I really like the little box they come in. I think that's a nice touch.

  2. Excellent work! I'll bet that was pretty time consuming, eh?



  4. Let me know how much you're charging for them. I'd love some business cards made up like these!
