Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Six... Of A Million...

When I first saw the Topps Million Card Giveaway cards in my annual box of Topps cards, I actually liked the look of them. The design is great, but I assumed it was one of those - enter code... sorry, you-are-not-a-winner-type giveaways. Or worse yet, Congratulations! You win a 1989-Mike-Harkey-Rookie-Card-type giveaways. In a way, I guess the latter is true, but I didn't know that EVERY card gets a card. Thank you blog-people.

I pulled six of the little buggers out of my stack of cards, and went to work typing codes. After some of the difficulties I had heard about, I was expecting a slow process. It actually went quite quickly for me; a remarkably pleasurable experience.

Here is what I got:

Nice! A card older than me! An All-Star his rookie season in '58, Bob smacked 14 homers. Unfortunately, he only hit double digits once more in his career (10 in '62 for the Senators.) 

After being traded to the Cubs in '84, Sutt went 16 and 1! Fortunately, the Cubbies met a horrible demise in the 1984 NLCS...

In Action and Montreal Expos... That is awesomeness right there! Another card older than me and my first non-Padres 1972 card. For that, I will always love you, Steve Renko. (According to Baseball Reference, Steve was a very similar hitter to Catfish Hunter. According to my dad, I was almost named Catfish. It was a close second to Travis, and was followed by an equally awesome Spike.)

My first Hall-of-Famer!!! Too bad I have a dozen of the same card already. Welcome to the junk-wax era.

Diving head first into the junk-wax pool... Bobby looks as if he is saying, "You know you aren't gonna spend the money to have me shipped. Why'd you wake me up?"

Hey Matt, wanna trade?


  1. All I wanted was a card older than me. Two cards I redeemed and combined the cards weren't older than me.

  2. I was kinda hoping to get the last card I need for my 1991 set: Atlee Hammaker... No such luck.

    Just kidding. I saw your two "awesome" cards... Ouch. Don't give up.
