Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Topps Million Card Giveaway... and LOST

Am I the first to see this? If you watch the promo video for the Topps Million Card Giveaway, at the 42 second mark a "code" is revealed. That code is not some random bunch of numbers. Nope. Anyone familiar with my favorite TV show will recognize The Numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. Don't believe me? Check it.

Thanks, Topps, for making my day! (Oh, thanks for the 1972 Steve Renko In Action, too! Awesomeness!)

Oh, I tried The Numbers as a code...

That's ok. The numbers are bad! Last thing I need is a cursed 1987 Ed Lynch card...

1 comment:

  1. Are the numbers bad? Is the Dharma initiative bad? How many pairs of headphones can Hurley wear on one island? The mysteries abound.
