Sunday, December 7, 2008

This Date in History...

December 7th, 1941 is a date that will live in infamy. The attack on Pearl Harbor brought the United States into World War II. Thousands died that day. Millions more died in the war.

Is a baseball card a fitting tribute? No, but it is what I do.


Anonymous said...

Nicely done.

goooooood girl said...

i like your blog......

dayf said...

Very nice.

Man, goooooooood girl gets around doesn't she? I've seen her/him/spambot post the same comment on a ton of blogs already.

PunkRockPaint said...

Listen, Dayf! If gooooood girl likes my blog, don't be jealous!

I know she/he/spambot genuinely appreciate my work! WHY DON'T YOU LEAVE MY FANS ALONE!!!
