The Top however many cards I decide will be put into the official 2009 set and the top five artists will get a set printed on my Epson and hand cut by me. So as many designs as you want, but only one set per person so my poor ink cartridges don't poop out.
Is this a contest??? Didn't know. Just like makin' pirrate careers. If any body need You can visit my design house Blog to get more update. Thank you. #nigomdesignhouse
Is this a contest??? Didn't know. Just like makin' pirrate careers. If any body need You can visit my design house Blog to get more update. Thank you. #nigomdesignhouse
Ok, you win.
Is this a contest??? Didn't know. Just like makin' pirrrrate carrrrds.
The Top however many cards I decide will be put into the official 2009 set and the top five artists will get a set printed on my Epson and hand cut by me. So as many designs as you want, but only one set per person so my poor ink cartridges don't poop out.
Is this a contest??? Didn't know. Just like makin' pirrate careers.
If any body need You can visit my design house Blog to get more update. Thank you.
Is this a contest??? Didn't know. Just like makin' pirrate careers.
If any body need You can visit my design house Blog to get more update. Thank you.
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